In our homeschool this week… Our last week of Foundations and Essentials was this past Tuesday. My son tried out for memory master with his dad and I but couldn’t pass the timeline. I think I was the only one bummed as he seemed relieved that he didn’t have to test with his tutor. He still learned an amazing amount of information this year. Challenge A has 2 more Tuesdays until we wrap up our year and so the students will be meeting in my home the next two weeks rather than at the church!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… This is Easter Celebration Week. And other than Community Egg Hunts not much will be happening outside our home for the next couple of weeks. We will enjoy an Easter egg hunt during park day with our local homeschool support association, an Easter Egg Hunt at our church this Saturday as a community outreach we call Resurrection Celebration, and that will be followed by another hunt at my husband’s work. Whew, talk about egg overload! As I’m writing this, I would also love to take the family to Fields of the Wood. It’s a Biblical Park in Murphy NC that is awesome for family picnics. They have Easter sunrise service, and special singing all weekend! This would be a great day trip for the family!
My favorite thing this week was… being able to attend a ladies luncheon with a couple of friends on Wednesday. I had volunteered to help in their nursery but the Life Action Team insisted that we attend the luncheon. The speaker was engaging and I left feeling refreshed and renewed. She spoke the storms in our life. Amazingly, later that evening my husband taught his Wed. night bible study class almost the exact same lesson. He used a lot of the same scriptures and main points! I did have to ask myself ”What are you trying to say Lord? Should I be battening down the hatches? Is there a storm coming my way?” I hope I will need this to encourage someone else in the Word, if you know what I mean!
What’s working/not working for us... the weather is causing all kinds of havoc around here. One day we are turning on the heater because it is chilly, rainy and very wet and then the next day it is flip flops weather. My youngest son is constantly sniffling and coughing with what I’m beginning to think are seasonal allergies. Children’s Nyquil seems to work for us!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have… What curriculum do you use for high school? My intentions were hopeful for a Challenge 1 program at Classical Conversations but that doesn’t appear to be happening. The closest group is 45 minutes away and so I am back to the research and prayer stage!
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