In my life this week…
In our homeschool this week...
our preschooler has continued to practice his ABC’s and 123’s. We’ve watched Leapfrog videos until we can all sing along! We’ve counted books, pennies, toys and well just about everything. His proudest accomplishment this week though was helping Jeffrey make chocolate chip cookies to surprise Mommy and Daddy.
Our fifth grader worked mostly on his memory masters challenge for Classical Conversations. We’ve been reviewing and practicing this week, and next week we will practice even more. He has weeks 1-15 (out of 24) memorized for History, Geography, Math, Latin, English, and Science. Woo Hoo!!!!!!
Our middle schooler continues with his Challenge A work, drawing and labeling geography maps and human body systems, memorizing catechisms, places, definitions, vocabulary and Latin paradigms. The most exciting thing is that we will actually finish our Saxon Math book this month!!! I am excited to proof his character analysis paper on Robin, from the book The Door in the Wall.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
Daddy’s home after four days away at a conference, so we were most excited to be all together at home. We’ve been to CC (Classical Conversations), AWANA, and Family Movie Night. Tomorrow I plan on hitting some stores, doing the marketing as well as half price Saturday at our local Goodwill Store.
My favorite thing this week was...
... blog surfing and finding a ton of great sites to use as I’m planning next school year and this summer. Mom on a mission, tot school and 1+1+1=1 are my current favorite blogs. Each one struck a chord deep within me and I felt encouraged and refreshed after reading these. Not to mention they will save me a ton of preschool shopping time.
What's working/not working for us...
Too much TV/Game time for my little one. This makes him very irritable and hyperactive so limits must be enforced!
I struggled with my preschooler and the wii. He would beg me all day to play it, so I made a rule that we can only wii on weekends. During the week the wii controllers go into a closet high up. You can read about my adventures with the wii at