Have you visited the blog

Several weeks ago while blog surfing, I clicked through the Tot School blog to this addition savvy site purely for curiosity's sake. Instantly I knew this was a blog worth following. As I read, "
To the world it makes no sense but to God it is perfect sense" I knew what she meant, but after reading the explanation for her title, my heart felt a kindred spirit with the author. The name took me back 17+ years to my own wedding preparations as we used this same verse as the theme for our big day. It is still our prayer to remain a threefold cord!
As I dove into this site, I came across Raising Rock Stars

and it literally brought tears to my eyes as again I connected with her purpose and plans for the littles God entrusted to her care. My heart screamed, "Me too! Me too!" I feel such relief finding Raising Rock Stars for our youngest. I've printed off the notebook cover and some of the inserts, I'm preparing to incorporate most of these suggestions into Timmy's day. I love the flexibility and personalization it allows, and it will be easy to add in our CC memory work as well. I'm still exploring and reading the link ups and am excited to include our home centered preschool in the mix! If you have a toddler or preschooler you absolutely must check out this site. I'm positive you will find just the right resource to encourage you along in this homeschooling journey.
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