
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2011 Priority of Relationships

With 2011 less than a week away, my mind moves from retrospect of the old year to those resolutions lists of the new.  I'm excited for 2011.  Our family will begin this year with a corporately led, 21 day Daniel fast.  I have been planning and reading Susan Gregory's book The Daniel Fast, which has brought more spiritual direction for this time around.  Last year we participated but honestly, I did more scale watching than prayer.  This time I am praying for the hand of God to direct 2011. 

During the fall of 2010 I realized my priorities needed to be assessed and unfortunately needed to be realigned.  Since then it has been baby steps as I concentrate on placing the important things first.  As I prepare for 2011, I am setting goals and preparing to not just focus on the important things but to live my life as one given to God.  If He is truly my #1 priority then living in relationship with God must be paramount.  This year I resolve to value prayer and meditation, scripture reading and memorization, worship and Holy communion.  This year is the year of relationship!  To give Him my full attention, time, and honesty.  To continue a deep commitment with Christ that is automatically shared with others out of the abundance of my heart.   Not religion folks but relationship!

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