
Monday, June 25, 2012

 I love summer days where at least for me deadlines and responsibilities relax to move with the flow of warm weather.  Now that summer is in full swing, my projects and to do list has surpassed the mile high mark but my thoughts and time have been spent planning and pinning!  My list of projects to get done before fall dictates a more structured schedule has already spent all of June and my sons although they have enjoyed the lackadaisical behavior of their mother are missing out on what makes summer summer. 

It took a morning devotion on excellence in obedience to see that my struggles of procrastination, over-commitment, not living my priorities, and the full blown distractions such as technology are truly my battlefields for obedience. Time is more often than not a major battlefield for me. I want to be obedient to the Lord, I want to train my children to love God and love others to Him.  Time will disappear.  It may be a few hours, a whole day, or even as today's realization sinks in - most of June. It's time to move from summer bucket list-maker to fun checking off marker.  It's time to get er done and enjoy the process.  So I'm off to love my children, niece and nephew at the pool! 


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