
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal Week 2

In my life this week…The Homeschool Mother's Journal

It seems I’ve ran errands all week. The week started with a trip to the Dentist so he could pull two of Christian’s baby teeth. Later in the week I enjoyed a pampering session at the beauty salon for a new do.  Unfortunately the color chemicals burnt my scalp slightly. We quickly applied a generous amount of Aloe Vera gel only to trigger an allergic reaction to the aloe.  I now know school is possible even when Mom is loopy from taking Benadryl!  It’s better today, thankfully.  The end of the week ended on a high note as my friend Krista received her confirmation to attend next weekend’s Emmaus Walk. 
In our homeschool this week…
It’s planning time again!  We have one more week of CC Foundations/Essentials and three more weeks of Challenge A, so I’m trying to focus on wrapping up their CC studies, planning out the month of May and trying my best to hold off on plunging into next year!  I am however keeping a note book so that I can write down those “I’ve must remember this” thoughts for next year. 
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We stayed close to home this week, although I seemed to guzzle the gas with various errands and quick trips to just pick up this or that.  Makes me more determined to follow a menu this week!  The weather is warming up and I know incorporating a little more exercise into the routine would boost my energy level!  Looks like time to lace up the tennis shoes, load up the van and head to the greenway with my kiddos! 
My favorite thing this week was…
Networking with the other Classical Conversations directors across Tennessee during our weekend business training session has been awesome. I was expecting boredom and mundane technicalities instead we were blessed with rich dialogue among the directors and our state manager did a great job! 
What’s working/not working for us
Using Classical Conversations as our homeschool curriculum spine is working wonders in providing the kiddos with a home centered education. 
For my older two I post a daily checklist for them to check off their assignments as they go.  I tried several different styles and found them lacking or taking too much time to fill in assignments.  Now I print and hang one sheet that covers every day’s assignments for the week on one page. I used an excel spread sheet homemade check list of what’s required each day on our command center. Everyone can see a glance what must be done for the day.   
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…
Our Classical Conversations group added Challenge A this year and plans to add a Challenge B but unfortunately my son needs Challenge 1, so I am gathering my thoughts and reviewing what we will use for high school. What high school curriculums are you using or will be using with your teens?

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