
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fit or Fat for Forty Continues…

Day 3 - Another -2.2 pounds down or so says the scale. Today ended with me helping serve in the nursery at our CC host church. There were only two ladies with the small babies and since I didn't time my meals correctly. I ate an Oatmeal Raisin Crunch Bar(one of my meal choices) ASAP.  I should have been eating my lean and green during this time. I ended up eating my lean and green meal after 11:00. Then I went to bed. Will this hurt my progress?

Day 4 – Today's the DAY! Do I feel different? Absolutely! First I am relieved to have dropped another -2.2 pounds for a total of 8 pounds plus I feel great today! No I don't feel like going out for a run but I definitely feel a surge in energy. Maybe tomorrow I will add back in a little exercise! Tonight I have to work in the nursery again but I will be better prepared and feel more energetic. After working for those four hours I felt thoroughly exhausted and only made it through a single bite of my 11:30 Strawberry Crunch Bar.

Day 5 – The scale says I only dropped .2 pounds today. But I am not discouraged, that simply means I've averaged 2 pounds per day! The big accomplishment today was adding back in some exercise. I started with 15 minutes on Wii Fit, but also took the boys to the exercise room and went shopping – both of which meant more walking for me. I did have to make myself come home at the appropriate time because it was time to eat my lean and green meal. I sure hope my dh sees this as an added bonus to this diet! Will my weight fluctuate or the loss rate begin to taper off now that I'm in fat burning mode? Can't wait to find out.

If you would like to follow along on this journey of weight loss that would be great.  Accountability and encouragement are always welcome! 


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