
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Priorities Realigned

Recently, I was able to get away and attend a spiritual retreat of sorts. Well actually a retreat isn't quite the right word for it. It was more of an intimate encounter with Jesus and His body, the church. I went on Ladies Emmaus Walk #128!

I went on my walk truly needing an opportunity to step back and breathe. The busyness of commitments, agendas, and to do lists had overwhelmed me and I just knew that drowning was eminent. I knew things in my life were way out of whack, yet there wasn't time to come up for air. In fact life was so busy, if it hadn't been for the fact that someone had sponsored me and paid for this experience, I would have backed out. God's prevenient grace was sure at work here!

Can you guess what the first talk of the weekend was about? Priorities -Wow - pass the kleenex box, this one was hitting me right between the eyes. Where were my priorities? Sadly I admit they were focused on accomplishing my list of the day. Boys school work? Check! Housework? Check! Laundry? Check! Grading? Check! Lesson plans? Check! Nursery volunteers on Sunday? Check! Lesson prepared for Sunday's Preschoolers? Check! And this list goes on.....and..... on.

Anyone see any mention of time spent in the Word of God or on my knees? I became keenly aware that my time, attention and choices did not reflect what was most important to me. My first love, Jesus Christ needed to take precedence in my life! It was time to reevaluate and place the important things first. Questions such as "What do I think about?" and "How do I spend my time and money?" were posed, and sadly my answers did not line up with what I felt was and is important to me.

It's been exactly one week since my Walk to Emmaus. Have things been different? YES, Absolutely YES! Has it been easy? Not really, but everywhere I look I now see through a new lens. And I have had the best week I have had in a very long time, including taking time to renew my love and dependency on my savior, Jesus Christ.

Thankfully this weekend did not leave us pondering over priorities but moved us right into grace. Amazing Grace that is undescribable and undeniable. His measure of grace is absolutely beyond anything we can even begin to comprehend. Why the King of Glory would want to pursue us and bring us into right standing with the Father still overwhelms my thoughts.

So what is or should be my number 1 priority? Living in a full and intimate relationship with God is key. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" His Word states. So that is where I chose to begin, back at the beginning. To once again "redeem my day" through morning devotions and prayer. With priorities realigned, I choose to focus first and foremost on this one thing!

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