
Home Centered Education

Much of my previously mentioned summer tasks list included planning for our upcoming school year.  Excitedly I now can say the plans are cemented.  Cement does sound rather permanent, and as most home school mothers understand, flexibility is a key ingredient we must not only teach our children but must learn ourselves.   So with anticipation, here are our best laid plans for this coming school year. 

For Our Senior

My nephew Jon will be a senior in our homeschool high school this year.  We affectionately refer to him as our fourth son and he will be joining our homeschool family for Ancient World History and Literature and Latin.  He has dual enrolled in Chemistry, Pre Calculus and Economics through our local community college. He will continue serving as an ITS intern at The Church of God of Prophecy International Offices and at our local Salvation Army while coaching Jeff in weight training.  This will be one busy young adult but he's up for the challenge.  He plans on participating fully in our local homeschool group's high school activities and clubs.  He plans on continuing towards the completion of the TN Scholar program and actively participating in Future Business Leaders of America.  He's looking forward to meeting new friends.

For Our Sophomore

Jeff will be spending his time studying Ancient World History and Literature as well as Formal Logic using My Father's World curriculum, with a few add ins of books reccomended through the Classical Conversations Magalog. Apologia Biology will be complimented by lab classes at our local homeschool coop, BCHE. He will continue studying Latin using Henle and has decided to also take Spanish 1 through our local homeschool coop. Saxon Algebra 2 will be used for math although we may supplement with the Life of Fred courses as I am absolutely in love with this classical and fun math curriculum. We have arranged an internship at our local Salvation Army to complete the community service portion of his Bible class and He will continue with weight training at the YMCA for PE. He also wants to take a Driver's Ed class so we are looking into this. Whew, I'm glad he has all year! 


For Our 7th Grader

Chris will be in my Challenge A group at our local Classical Conversations. This is exciting for both of us although he does appear to be slightly apprehensive with the mom as my tutor factor. His studies will include the six learning strands found inside classical education. Exposition and Composition will include IEW's Bible Based Writing and reading some of the best children's literature available and the grammar strand will have us diving into Latin using Henle Year 1. Our research strand will include weekly research topics and nature studies as well as a semester on the human body. The debate strand (which is my personal favorite) has us in world geography where we will be learning how to draw the world to scale, memorizing countries and capitals and oh so much more. For our rhetoric strand we will be analyzing and honing our clear reasoning skills and internalizing a biblical world view using the books It Couldn't Just Happen and Don't Check Your Brains At The Door. And last but certainly not least is our logic strand where Saxon Math 8/7 is the text of choice. His plate will be full. Even though he is all about fleeing the memory work of both Foundations and Essentials, he is still in store for an abundance of memory work in Challenge A! He will also enjoy PE through the use of our local YMCA, where the first order of business will be taking the youth fitness class this August!

For our Kindergarten

Around our house the Foundations Program at CC and the kindergarten program from My Father's World will offer Tim a remarkable first year of "doing school!" We will use the My Father's World Kindergarten program for our phonics and reading, math activities and tons of other activities revolving around the alphabet and it's animal representative. I happen to love Saxon so we will jump right in with Kindergarten math. Foundations will provide us with our weekly memory work assignments, fun science experiments, review games, both music and art as well as a weekly presentation. I tutored Foundations Cycle 1 during the last rotation and have tons of hands on things planned for expanding the weekly memory work. AWANA Clubs will be lay out our scripture memory work and oh and I can't forget both Handwriting Without Tears and Explode the Code workbooks are also standing ready on our shelf.

Preparation and Planning Sets the Course for Smooth Sailing

Now the business at hand is to prepare, making provisions to help these plans run smoothly.  For Tim that means setting up a file folder for each week and storing his student sheets, project plans (mostly from pinterest), and whatever else we may need so we are ready. Having our calendar ready to go, our math meeting board, our timeline and our foundations board ready will also be extremely valuable.  For Chris I will focus more on my prep time for directing the Challenge A program.  There are training webinars to watch, lesson plans to tweak, supplies to purchase.  I'm still weighing the options for how to help him organize his at home school work and help him to become more independent.  Now Jeff's curriculum plans will look similar to Chris' just with different lesson plans.  I plan on transfering some of his other responsibilities to him as well, such as laundry, calendar, schedules, waking up on time, etc... In just a few short years he will be in college and fending for himself.  Thinking about this chokes me up emotionally but also makes me so thankful that God has blessed me and helped us to be a home centered family!

Don't forget to hop on over to see what others are using at the Not Back to School Blog Hop!

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