
Saturday, March 3, 2012

CC Memory Board for Home

Because we participate in Classical Conversations, practicing our memory work is an important aspect of our homeschool day.  I've tried various approaches to memory work time at home, including keeping a memory work notebook and using a memory work board for review. Since our family's four year old has joined us at CC, we have been using our memory work board exclusively. 

This DIY board was created by taking a full size project board and cutting it in half.  If you are familiar with CC memory work you will recognize the Veritas Press Timeline Cards on the bottom half of the board for an accurate size marker.  I placed the memory work for each of the seven subjects on this board plus the week's science snippet card and our name that state board. 

Using the memory work CD, I printed off each week's memory work in color as power point slides.  I chose to print them three per page and then laminate them. Using binder rings I attached the math, history, and geography cards to the top of the board so that I could simply flip the card over to change that week's sentence. 

Of course not every subject could be close to the top edge so for science, English Grammar, Latin and the time line cards I used these little plastic clips.  They cost $1.50 for a package of fifty.  These little clips must be attached as they are not sticky backed.  I used some doubled sided foam tape from my craft drawer.  The cards easily slip in and out of the clips making it easy to change to the next week's work or like our youngest son so enjoys you can take the time line cards down, mix them up and then have him put them back up in the correct order. 

Our memory board has been a successful addition to our school day and a great reference point for practicing our memory work in the morning. We go over the current week every morning and choose to review one subject in its entirety each day.  Monday is Latin, Wednesday is History, Thursday is Science and Friday is English.  The timeline, math, and geography we review daily.